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Philippines Arab Singles
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Islam is the oldest monotheistic religion in the Philippines.

Muslim civilization disembarked in the southern Philippine islands in the fourteenth century, with the arrival of Muslim traders from the Persian Gulf and from several sultanates of the Malay Archipelago.

In the fifteenth century, the islands of Mindanao, the islands of the south of the archipelago and half of Luzon become under the reign of the Muslim sultanates of Borneo, that is to say Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Until the sixteenth century, Islam continued its expansion in the country.

Today, Muslims are estimated at 4 or 8 million people, which, in 2000, was worth 5% of the population. However sources from the Muru people reveal that the number of Filipino Muslims would reach 12 million, due to the very frequent conversions to Islam.

Islam is present in the thirteen Philippine districts, but almost a third of Muslims live in the southern regions, in Mindanao and the Sulu archipelago.

It is for this reason that the Muslims of the Philippines have given the name of "Banjasamuru" to the southern regions, where they are the most numerous.
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